雖然是舊機種, 但有ice功能, 所以還是特地花了一些時間找這台﹗最後從美國買入, 總費用大概台幣4500元。目前用起來的感覺還不錯, ice對於彩負的灰塵很有用! 刮痕倒是較難處理..... 專業的朋友認為這台不夠格, 但是個人已經很滿意了。
從美國買回MADE IN TAIWAN的佳能單眼底片機身
sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/17
喜歡PENTACON prakticar 鏡頭 及 praktica機身的朋友請注意
以下為目前出售中的PB系列機身及鏡頭, 歡迎選購
1. Prakticar PB 鏡頭專用 2倍鏡/增距鏡/加倍鏡 JESSOP 2X for PB
2. 德國Pentacon老鏡頭一顆-Prakticar PB接口 光圈2.4 50mm 附前後蓋/適合玩轉接的朋友
3. PRAKTICA B200機身 測光/快門 都正常
4. PRAKTICA BX20 機身(第一台) 測光/快門 都正常
5. PRAKTICA BX20 機身(第二台) 測光/快門 都正常
6. Pentacon PRAKTICAR 鏡頭 PB接口 光圈1.8 50mm/MC 附鏡頭前蓋
7. SIGMA DL zoom鏡頭 PB接口 35-80mm 1:4-5.6 含塑膠遮光罩及鏡頭前蓋
8. Pentacon PRAKTICAR 鏡頭 PB 接口 1:4-5.6 70-210mm 望遠鏡頭 含橡膠遮光罩及鏡頭前蓋
sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/172013/02/21
最近看到一則新聞, 說是部份新型的高檔數位相機取消了轉盤, 讓部份攝友跳腳。這些攝友果然是內行人, 因為轉盤的切換效率是最高的。不用選單選半天, 也不必受限於新機的觸控, 快速一轉, 就選到想要的功能﹗
除了一些自動對焦的底片單眼機身有轉盤外, 部份傻瓜相機也有。我手上的CANON PRIMA ZOOM 76 和 pentax espio 160(*), 都有這樣的轉盤設計。街拍切換, 背光補光超好用﹗而且二手價格都不高喔。 *pentax espio 160外型老, 尺寸大, 二手價不高, 但是功能讚, 畫質佳! 離主體較近時, 不只是在觀景窗上畫一條線請您自己留意, 而是以液晶標示上方拍不到的區域!sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/17
這台平台掃描器是我的第一台底掃機, 幾年前掃了不到五捲, 就被冷凍起來了﹗原因如下:
1. 牛頓環讓人困擾
2. 掃描速度慢
3. 上下片匣不順手
sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/17
出讓:春節期間突然掛掉的canon eos 30 (elan 7) 眼控對焦, 不修了﹗
春節期間拍到一半, 突然就不再動作了.....搞不清是什麼原因, 乾脆不修了。有興趣的朋友可到露天拍賣看看, 賣場連結
出讓:canon eos 30 (elan 7) 專用手把 (電池盒) bp-300
因為春節期間eos 30故障了, 所以手把也就用不到了﹗有興趣的朋友, 請到露天拍賣看看, 手把賣場連結
出讓-蘇聯老鏡頭Industar 61 最大光圈2.8 52mm 少見銀白鏡身 附前蓋 m39接口
有興趣的朋友可以到露天拍賣看看, 賣場連結
個人使用多年的一顆蘇聯老鏡, 平常接在Zorki-4的機身上。最近買了一顆比較新的鏡頭, 所以就把舊的出讓給喜歡蘇聯老鏡頭的朋友(老鏡頭=老症頭??一笑)﹗轉接到其它機身也很好用喔。(是m39接口)
這顆是少見的全銀白色鏡身, 相形之下, 我新買的全黑鏡身就有點失色了。不過鏡頭表現和鏡身顏色沒有直接關係。
舊的這顆後鏡片良好, 前鏡片則有一些小刮痕。我特別拍了特寫讓大家看看! 在實品上看起來沒那麼明顯, 沒想到放大在螢幕上看, 刮痕好明顯(BUT鏡頭沒電腦看起來那麼大顆啦)......怪就要怪這顆鏡頭的前鏡中間真的太凸出了。使用時會不會影響成相呢?個人使用經驗提供給您參考。
1.由於刮痕多在中央部位, 光圈愈小, 影響就愈大。所以大家多多利用大光圈拍美美散景喔﹗
2.正對或斜對著光源拍也不適合, 所以有專業賣家提到要「避光」。是相當重要的建議。
有任何問題, 請大家隨時發問。完美主義的攝友, 請務必考慮後再下標。謝謝sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/172013/02/14
出讓-Prakticar PB 鏡頭專用 2倍鏡/增距鏡/加倍鏡 JESSOP 2X for PB
出讓一顆pb鏡頭專用的2倍鏡. 附前後蓋。
買一顆小巧的2倍鏡, 讓您手上的pb鏡頭焦段立刻提昇!!
前後鏡無刮無黴, 本人看不到有入塵, 但是還是寫"微入塵", 以免造成困擾。
最近整理防潮箱, 陸續會有幾顆pb鏡頭和幾台bx20及b200機身要出清。有興趣的攝友, 可多多留意﹗
出讓-德國Pentacon老鏡頭一顆-Prakticar PB接口 光圈2.4 50mm 附前後蓋/適合玩轉接的朋友
喜歡老鏡頭味道的朋友, 可到露天拍賣看看﹗賣場連結
這顆的最大光圈2.4, 焦段50mm, pb接口。前後鏡無刮無黴, 微入塵, BUT完美主義者請勿下標。 如果您手上有bx20/b200/或是b100機身,接上去就能用﹗不過這顆鏡頭的電子接點可能已失效了.... 如果您是拿來轉接,那就更方便了,巿面上轉接環從M3/4, CANON EF, SONY NEX....一應俱全。玩起來的樂趣也高﹗ 最近整理防潮箱, 陸續會有幾顆pb鏡頭和幾台bx20及b200機身要出清。有興趣的攝友, 可多多留意﹗ |
sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/17
最近看到便宜的solaris底片, 正準備下手, 卻發現一捲只能拍12張﹗不知道有沒有人下手後才發現?? 賣家一句都不提, 只放了相片!! 還好我做貿易, 習慣看英文。要不然, 真的會買一堆回來。
ilford id-11 顥影液 工作液以1:3稀釋後 很好用
先前提過ilford ID-11使用時, 習慣以工作液直接用, 每次用完就回收到原液中。每多沖一捲, 顯影時間要自行加10%, 偶而糊塗會算錯捲數.....不過主要問題還是回收後, 顯影液愈來愈混濁, 用起來有點耽心。用這種回收的方法使用, 說明書上寫:總共可以沖十捲底片﹗
後來決定用1:3稀釋, 我的沖片罐沖一捲需要375cc的顯影液, 以400cc來算--->每次需要100cc原液加上300cc的水, 沖了幾捲AGFA APX 100, 發現沒什麼問題。apx100 用 1:3 濃度的顯影時間, 原廠沒有建議, 只建議了1:1濃度的時間, 一開始因為這個原因, 不太敢試。後來在國外網站看到有人這麼用, 就放心了﹗一公升的原液, 每次用掉100cc, 也是沖十捲。使用ID-11的攝友可以參考看看! (1:3顯影時間長很多, 急性子的朋友可能不適用...) ps: 小朋友用fisheye拍的附圖sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/17
note for Jobo C-41 press kit (alternative)
sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/17C-41 PRESS KIT
This is a kit for processing C-41 type color negative films and other films compatible with the C-41 process such as Ilford XP-2. (The process is also comparable to Agfacolor AP-70, and Fujicolor CN-16 processes.)
- Process sequence is especially fast and easy
- Mixing: only one powder each for color developer, bleach-fix and stabilizer
- Standard C-41 processing results
- Two methods: by hand or rotary processor methods
- Fast processing at 45º
Color developer powder mix, 1 bag
Bleach-fix powder mix, 1 bag
Stabilizer, 1 bag
Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with skin. In case of contact with eyes,
rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.DISPOSAL
Information on the disposal of photochemical and used processing solutions is best obtained
from local authorities responsible for environmental protection. (Such as your state EPA.)
Bottles made of plastic or glass are being re-used or recycled to an increasing extent. In
either case it is important that they do not contain any leftover concentrates. We therefore
recommend rinsing out the bottles with part of the mixing water and including this in the
appropriate solution.
Do not mix up partial quantities of either the color developer or the bleach-fix. You cannot be assured that the components of the powder concentrate are evenly distributed throughout the bag.
900 ml20 to 40ºC Add Powder and Top up to 1 liter BLEACH-FIX Water
800 ml35 to 45ºC Add Powder and Top up to 1 liter STABILIZER Water
900 ml35 to 45ºC Add Powder and Top up to 1 liter STORAGE LIFE
In brimful tightly closed glass or PVC bottles, the working developer solutions will keep for: 6 weeks the bleach-fix for 8 weeks
This kit will process 12 to 16 135/36 color negative films or the equivalent area of other sizes.
(12-16 of 120 or 6-8 of 220 size films.) To obtain the kit's full capacity, process at least 2 films simultaneously per 500 ml working solution, or 4 films per liter simultaneously, of working solution.PROCESSING DIRECTIONS
General Instructions
Consistent results can only be achieved with the specified temperatures, processing times and agitation, as detailed in the processing table. The times include the time for pouring out each solution (approx. 10 sec.).
Each batch developed exhausts part of the developer, and part is oxidized by the atmosphere. It is advisable for the second and following batches, to lengthen the times as indicated in the processing table.
(Due to the increased oxidation caused by rotary processing, JOBO U.S.A. recommends 1-shot processing for the most consistent results. If you are planning on re-using the developer, do so within a few hours after the first use. Otherwise the oxidation may weaken the developer too much to give quality results.)
The working solution amounts can be adapted to the volume of the available tank. However, please observe the following limitations for 500 ml solution:
The working solution can be used up to four times.
For fast films (ISO 400/27 and faster) only 3 batches are recommended.
In 500 ml of working solution, up to 8 films with a speed of ISO 200/24 or slower, or up to 6 films of ISO 400/27 and faster can be developed.
When the bleach-fix is poured in, harmless carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is released. This is neutralization of the alkaline color developer by the acid bleach-fix. In tightly closed developing tanks, the pressure must be relieved. (e.g. by a pinhole in the middle of the sealing cap. Or in JOBO tanks with the flexible membrane cap, be sure to depress the center of the cap before placing it on the mouth of the tank. It will expand with the pressure.)
The bleach-fix, final wash and stabilizer times are minimums; they can be exceeded by up to 50% without adversely affecting the images.
Wash the film in running water if possible. If no running water is available, fill the tank with properly tempered water, agitate and empty the tank after 30 seconds. Repeat this until the end of the prescribed washing time. (When using a JOBO-Lift, fill the tank with the appropriate amount of water let it rotate 30 seconds, and drain. Repeat this until the end of the prescribed washing time.)
After treatment in the stabilizing bath, the films are dried. The drying temperature should not exceed 45º C / 113º F.
The wet film is opaque on the emulsion side. During drying the film becomes transparent.
The film can be processed in tanks by hand inversion or by putting the tank into a processor such as a JOBO DuoLab, CPE-2 Plus, CPA-2, CPP-2 or any of the AutoLabs.
The working solutions must be brought to the process temperature chosen.
The developing tank containing the film should be brought to the selected process temperature. Preheat the outside of the tank (in a water bath) for 5 minutes.
In order to keep the developer temperature constant during the process, the tank should be placed in a water bath with as much heated water as possible.
The temperature of the water bath is maintained by adding hot water, if no electric heater is available.
The tank with the films inside is tapped against a table-top after the solutions have been poured in, to remove bubbles adhering to the film.
Then the tank is agitated continuously for 30 seconds inverting the tank one cycle each second.
The next 15 seconds the tank will remain in the water bath.
During the remaining processing time, the tank is agitated once every 15 seconds. Between agitation cycles, the tank should remain immersed in the water bath.
B. PROCESSING IN ROTARY PROCESSORS (such as JOBO and other brands)
Pre-warm the tank with the loaded film inside, in the water bath of the processor (on the outside of the tank only) for at least 5 minutes.
Adjust the temperature of the water bath in order to maintain exact processing temperature.
Once a solution has been put into the tank and the time started, the tank is tapped against a table-top, agitated 3 times by hand, and then put into the processor for further agitation. ( If using a JOBO-Lift, pour the chemicals into the tank while the tank is rotating. It is not necessary to tap the tank to remove air bubbles.)
For roll film development, set a rotation speed of 65-75 rpm. (See your processor instruction manual for further details regarding agitation speed.)
Process Step Temperature Process Time Preheating developing tank 45ºc 2 minutes Color developer 45ºc 2 minutes* Bleach-fix** 45ºc 4 minutes 30 seconds Wash 45ºc 4 x 15 seconds Stabilizer or wetting agent 20-45ºc 1 minute Dry the film * Depending on the processor used or the speed of rotation or film type, lengthen the developer time by 10 seconds to compensate for under-development, or shorten it by 10 seconds to compensate for over-development.
** Mix the bleach-fix at double concentration with 40-45ºc C warm water.
If the films were not stabilized during the initial process, the films should be re-washed later and stabilized to improve image stability.