買了不少Rollei的黑白底片, 據說是agfa代工, retro 100=apx 100, 自己沖了幾次沒有任何問題。和先前用的apx 100真的很接近﹗但是 retro 400s, 我當成 apx 400來用, 曝光卻嚴重不足! 趕緊上網查了相關資料, 發現retro 400s 根本不能等同於 apx 400 。第一個老外說, 這底片的iso值不到400, 只有200-250
However the film speed is a bit lower then iso 400.
I had good results with the film on iso 200-250. 第二個老外說retro 400s不是apx 400
the Retro 400S is complete different compared with the Retro 400 (= APX 400).讓人困擾的一捲底片!! (我用的顯影液是 ilford 的 id-11 )sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/17
However the film speed is a bit lower then iso 400.
I had good results with the film on iso 200-250. 第二個老外說retro 400s不是apx 400
the Retro 400S is complete different compared with the Retro 400 (= APX 400).讓人困擾的一捲底片!! (我用的顯影液是 ilford 的 id-11 )sync with stonecam.posterous.com since 2012/06/17